Understanding concurrency is the key skill of this decade.

Fee - Rs 19500/-

Starts later this year.

Duration - 8 weeks

Timings - Sat 8:30AM-11AM IST (Live Lectures, recording will be shared after the session).

Eligibility - 2 years of work experience ( minimum ) is recommended. However, if you think you are smart enough to pick things up then feel free to enrol.

Register - https://rzp.io/l/2C17GQNd

The course will be interactive so a lot of AMAs, hands-on coding and research paper reading sessions.

Session 1 : Introduction to the cohort

Session 2 : Diving deep into Concurrency - 1

  1. Implementing Mutex from scratch
  2. Understanding Atomics
  3. Understanding Memory Ordering
  4. Non blocking Data structures
    1. Understanding various Non blocking Data Structures
    2. ABA problem
    3. Solutions to ABA problem

Session 3: Diving deep into Concurrency - 2

  1. Implementing coroutines
  2. Understanding coroutines from scratch